Did Covid-19 put pay to thought leadership?

Or is it still worth your company investing?

By Lou Gibbons
28 March 2022



The digital content marketing space is a large one - and it is growing. Within this space sits thought leadership. Maybe you have heard of the term? Perhaps you have dabbled a little.

Covid-19 just saw this type of online content mushroom, but more content doesn’t necessarily mean better quality.

Are you asking yourself whether it’s worth investing?

First, let’s have a look at what thought leadership is

Or maybe firstly what it’s not: it’s not promotional sales material for your company’s products or services. Thought leadership refers to other forms of content – be it blogs, videos, reports, white papers or even infographics – that you make available for free to the public. And this content has two purposes …

Firstly, it positions your company and/or those who are publishing the content within your company as points of reference around those subjects, indirectly supporting the quality of your products and services.

And secondly, it is used to generate new contacts by collating their contact details (for example by making a report downloadable for free in exchange for an email address).

In both cases, therefore it is an indirect sales technique used to support your wider and more direct promotional efforts.

And now let’s talk about Covid-19

In 2021 Edelmann and LinkedIn came together for the fourth year to produce a report analysing how thought leadership influences the perception of companies and ultimately B2B sales.

Previous years had already pointed to both the positive impact on brand and turnover when it came to investing in thought leadership strategies and advised on the risks of churning out low quality content.

And yet according to the 3,600 management-level professionals who offered their feedback in 2021, it seems that the Covid-19 pandemic generated just that: a huge increase in content marketing, making it harder for companies to find their space.

In fact, 66% of those surveyed said the pandemic had led to a huge increase in the amount of thought leadership in the marketplace, 38% also finding the market oversaturated.

So, is it still worth investing in a thought leadership strategy for your company?

Well, the same survey would seem to suggest so. Just over half of those questioned said that the pandemic has also pushed them to consume more thought leadership than before, even if its value has been diluted.

And companies still like to refer to other reference points, such as Gartner who state that a whole 83% of a typical B2B purchasing decision happens BEFORE a buyer engages with the provider. Think internet research. If a company is ranking highly in the search engines and has an array of thought-provoking content online, the ‘brand’ is immediately reinforced.

Maybe you think your brand is already established?

It’s true that the impacts of a thought leadership strategy are quite obvious for challengers to the market, online content allowing them to carve themselves a place. Its benefits in changing how buyers perceive a brand seem quite self-explanatory too.

However, these aren’t the only benefits of thought leadership. Even if your brand is well established, it is a competitive marketplace and 64% of buyers surveyed said they considered an organisation’s thought leadership content more trustworthy than its marketing materials. Funny really when they are often penned by the same hand, but there is power of marketing right there!

And maybe a reason why nowadays being absent from thought leadership as a brand can sometimes be more detrimental than you imagine.

And there are other knock-on effects

Did anyone mention the Great Resignation yet? Covid has shaken work practices and the job market. Remember too that your company brand isn’t just about selling your goods and services …

Isn’t it?

Well, no. It’s a race for talent as the job market –particularly for those prized tech jobs - becomes employee driven. Half of those surveyed said that thought leadership also has a role to play in attracting the best talent.

Convinced but lacking in time?

Good thought leadership is about bringing people more than they already know, delivering it in a non-salesy way … and bringing it regularly. This takes time. It demands research and reflection, but it is what makes your company a respected reference, whilst also gaining you favour with the search engines.

And maybe that’s where your hurdle is? Having the time as a company to dedicate to such an activity. But that’s where thought leadership is just like other marketing activities. Find a good agency to outsource to.

Did you know that a 2020 a 2020 Sitecore-sponsored study revealed that 84% of B2B and 55% of B2C marketers in North America outsource their content development?

So why don’t you?

Flick through EDITO’s blog for more tips and reach out to us if you want to talk about developing your own thought leadership strategy


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